Continuous learning and discussing issues with peers are two important ways school management can keep up-to-date on school safety issues. CM Regent Insurance Company® participates in both by providing ongoing training and attending events that bring together school professionals.
Safety Committee Training
In today’s environment, school safety is an ongoing concern for school leadership. Maintaining an effective safety committee can be an important part of achieving greater employee participation in your overall safety program. Our safety training webinar provides the needed training and resources to keep school staff prepared and up-to-date on safety issues most important to their campuses.
CM Regent proactive on opioid training for safety committees
July 13th, 2021
CM Regent Insurance Company took a proactive stance last year by adding opioid training to our safety committee training curriculum. Because of that, the safety committees we trained over the past year are now ahead of the game and already have the updated training required under a new amendment to the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act. Enacted June 30, 2021, Act 57 now requires all committee members receive training on Substance Abuse and Opioid Painkiller Use for a committee to be certified.
We saw the need for this training before it was required. We made it part of our training program for safety committees, who can play an important role in sharing the dangers of opioid abuse with the employees they represent.
In that spirit, CM Regent is committed to continuing to bring you progressive, innovative training and risk control resources.
Who We Are

A leading commercial property and liability insurance company dedicated to serving educational institutions.

Proudly providing employee benefit products and third-party claims administrative services.